Important reminders:
- Please bring ticket money to Monday’s rehearsal. Penny and Anne will still take money at other rehearsals but we want to cut down on grid lock when we are at the church.
May 8, 2023 7:30 pm
- Monday Rehearsal at Ipswich High School
- Ticket distribution/receipts starting at 7pm
May 10, 2023 7:30 pm
- Wednesday Orchestra Rehearsal at Our Lady of Hope Church, Pineswamp Rd., Ipswich
- Please set up your own chair facing Sunny like our last rehearsal at OLOH
- Ticket receipts starting at 7pm.
May 11,2023 7:30pm
- Thursday Dress rehearsal at Our Lady of Hope Church Pine swamp Rd., Ipswich.
- Attendance is required. Don’t wear concert attire but do wear comfortable shoes.
- Ticket sales receipts returned to Ticket Committee.
May 13, 2023 Down beat at 6pm. Concert at 7pm.
- Performance at Our Lady of Hope.
- Parking is always at a premium on the night of the performance. Please carpool or park on School St. and enjoy a 4-minute walk to the church.
- There will also be a professional photographer at our concert to take photographs. She might come downstairs to take photos of our soloists before we come upstairs. Photos will later be available on-line
Coming Events:
- As we close in on our May concert, work is going on in the back ground for CNS future endeavors.
- Sunny’s Retirement Party – Save the date Saturday, October 14th starting at 5pm at Ascension Memorial Church-Boone Hall, Ipswich MA. Tickets will be limited and advanced purchase only. More to come.
- Winter 2023 concert –If you know you will be singing with us in the Fall, please let me know so we can estimate how much music we will need to order once Abby finalizes her choices.
- Rehearsal and concert dates coming soon.
See you Monday!