

Individual Donations Every Contribution makes a difference! Your support helps to cover costs such as rehearsal and performance space as well as orchestral accompaniment.  Your tax-deductible donation will be reciprocated in so many ways, including more great concerts...
Update December 2022

Update December 2022

As the year draws to a close, we are able to look back at our first Holiday Season Concert in three years; a huge success by all accounts. We are now looking forward to the start of our second semester. Starting January 23, 2023, we will resume rehearsal of next...
A Brief History

A Brief History

The Beginning On Sunday evening, December 20, 1931, under the auspices of the Sandy Bay Historical Society, a community concert of Old Christmas Carols was presented at the First Congregational Church in Rockport, Massachusetts. Singers from four choral groups –...
Update December 2022

October 2022 Announcements

Fellow Singers, Just a few reminders: The 50/50 raffle will be held this coming Monday, October 3,2022 $5.00/ticket. Two winning tickets will be drawn. October 10, 2022, is Columbus Day; there will be no rehearsal We are still accepting nominations for anyone...
Update December 2022

Bank of Gloucester

Fellow CNS Singers: I am writing to encourage you take action regarding the opportunity from Bank Gloucester. This Month BankGloucester will donate a total of $30,000 to community organizations on Cape Ann. They are looking to the community to choose who the...
Update December 2022

Pre-Registration August 27th

We are very excited and looking forward to starting our season with the ever-popular Handel’s Messiah. A reminder about Pre-registration this Saturday and Rehearsal guidelines.  Please review the information below to allow for smooth reentry in to our first rehearsal...
