After more than two years of sitting on the bench, Chorus North Shore has had much change and progress. We managed to return to rehearsal, albeit with some restrictions. We have given 3 performances with one of our most memorable a tribute to Sunny that we will stay with us forever. We found a new Artistic Director, Abby Frost, who is certain to carry on the Chorus North Shore tradition of high-quality performances with an eye toward the future. And we have an energetic Board of Trustees working to update and streamline the inner workings of Chorus North Shore.

We will return to Ipswich High School on September 11, 2023 starting at 7:00 pm to begin rehearsing for next December’s performance. Abby has been working with Trish, our music librarian, to procure Rutter’s “Gloria” and Pinkham’s “Christmas Cantata”. Watch for more rehearsal and concert details soon.

Masks and proof of vaccine will no longer be required for rehearsal or performances but are optional. We will also return to our pre-COVID practice of one mid-rehearsal break.

Before rehearsals start in September, Abby is hoping to get to know Chorus North Shore on a more personal level. We will be holding “Meet and Greet” events this summer. These will be outdoor gatherings at the homes of Abby Frost and Suzanne Munroe. Very casual with snacks, lawn games and possibly singing. Thank you both Abby and Suzanne.

Anyone interested in helping with these events please contact Annmarie Baldisserotto Invite to follow.

Congratulations on a very successful year,

Donn Kurjan, President
