Chorus North Shore Singers:

Hope you are having a great summer! Our first rehearsal will be on September 11, 2023, 7:00pm at Ipswich High School in the Chorus Room and every Monday thereafter except the 10/9 holiday. I wanted to bring you up to date on the following details.

Pre – Registration:

1. Since we have a large number of singers, we will be offering a registration time block prior to the first rehearsal. You will be able to register at Ipswich High School in the Fine Arts Lobby from 9:30 am -11:30am on Saturday 9/9/23 (pay dues, pick up your music and sign in). There will also be a short time prior to the first rehearsal on 9/11 at 6:30 – 7:00pm for those unable to make the Saturday time.

2. Dues & music fees: (Have two checks payable to Chorus North Shore with “dues” and “music” on the memo lines respectively. If paying in cash, it should be the exact amount. )

  • Dues     $60/season ($30 for new members). (Each singer will also be required to buy/sell a minimum of 2 tickets per concert)
  • Music    We will be ordering the music below for everyone.

Please see our Music Coordinator, Trish Everitt to purchase a black music binder if you need one.

                  Composer       Piece                Cost

Rutter                Gloria                  $19
Pinkham      Christmas Cantata             $ 5
Carols:         Hark the Herald, O Come All Ye Faithful, (No cost)
God rest ye merry, Silent Night

Concert Attire: We are looking to make some updates in our concert attire and asking for three volunteers to sit on a short-term committee to make suggestions. Please let me know if you are interested in being involved.

We are also looking to spread our wings and perform at other venues on the North Shore. We are looking for volunteers to be part of a Venue search committee. Please let me know if you are interested in being part of this committee.

Rehearsal Guidelines:

  • Rehearsals will begin 7:00pm sharp. Please be in your seat and ready to sing.
  • Please break out your CNS names tag and wear it at all rehearsals. If you don’t have one, please let me know at the Saturday registration so I can make one for you
  • Mandatory sign-in at each rehearsal.
  • Once a singer has established their seat at the first rehearsal, try and keep that seat for each rehearsal

Concert Week

Monday,   11/27/23       Chorus Rehearsal       Ipswich High School, Chorus Room
Tuesday,   11/28/23       Orchestra Rehearsal     Ipswich High School, Preforming Arts Center (PAC)
Thursday,  11/30/23       Dress Rehearsal          Our Lady of Hope, Ipswich
Saturday,  12/2/23         7pm Concert           Our Lady of Hope Singers arrive at 6pm
Sunday,    12/3/23        3pm Concert            Our Lady of Hope Singers arrive at 2pm


Don’t come to rehearsal if you are sick.

Anyone not feeling well please refrain from attending rehearsal. Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 should

  • notify any board member and your section leader so we can inform singers with whom you may have interacted.
  • follow the latest CDC guidelines for isolation CDC Isolation Guidelines
  • have a negative Covid test within 48 hours of returning to rehearsal.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions.

Please direct singers who may approach you about joining us in September and have not already contacted me to our online registration at New Member Registration – Chorus North Shore to fill out an online registration form. Anyone who submits a registration and has not already indicated interest will be put on a wait list.

Membership Committee

