Mark your Calendars for some fun!

CHORUS NORTH SHORE is hosting a get together & fundraiser!

We will be selling tickets at rehearsals starting March 1.

Invite your friends and family.

Limited tickets. No tickets sold at the door.

Raffle/Silent Auction Donations

We are looking for donations for our silent auction/raffles .

Be creative or team up with a friend and create something spectacular!

Please connect with Nancy Tougas at rehearsals or contact at for more information or drop off.

Donation ideas:

  • Yard work (a half day or a full day) or tree-trimming, or bush-pruning, or walk-edging
  • Make-a-meal or hors d’oevres or a lasagne and garlic bread and a salad
  • Design a flower garden or veggie garden, give garden advice
  • Spa services: a facial, nails, pedicure, or a massage
  • Fresh cookie basket: brownies and chocolate chip cookies
  • Flower arrangement
  • Wreath of dried flowers, or pinecones
  • Do you paint or love photography – donate piece of art or framed photography
  • Do you knit, crochet, quilt or hook rugs – donate a handcrafted piece
  • Set of placemats with a table runner
  • Themed baskets: Beauty Basket, chocolate basket, kitchen basket or Italian or Greek or French or English or Mexican…
  • Gift certificate to a florist, an agricultural coop, a gourmet shop, restaurant etc. or a gift certificate you have and won’t be using
  • Tickets to a concert or a sports event or a play (got a series subscription and can’t go?)
  • Lessons – for anything (voice, hobby, riding…)
  • Jewelry items
  • Books
  • Crafted clothing, household items, garden adornments
  • Experiences – boat tour, Crane’s castle tour, a fun class
  • Did you get a duplicate or gift you can’t use – Donate it!

The options are endless!!!

