Hi everyone –

Order of business
As required by our bylaws, I am notifying you that we will have the Choir’s annual meeting the first rehearsal in May.
We will hold this short meeting before break at our May 6 rehearsal.

25 & 50 Year Recognition
For those singers who are reaching either their 25th and 50th year with the choir and have not been recognized with a lanyard & pin, please let Penny Schaner-Jones know at banjopenny2@gmail.com

Leap Into Spring
The April 22 rehearsal will be the final rehearsal to purchase Leap into Spring tickets or donate items.
Remember if you are coming to the Fundraiser, bring your piggy bank (only cash or checks accepted. ATM on site)

Concert Tickets
Anne Mills and Penny Schaner-Jones will be available at future rehearsals to provide additional tickets or to swap tickets types

See you Monday