Job Description: Concert House Manager
The Concert House Manager (CHM) will be responsible for oversight of all activities associated with tickets, audience members, and merchandise sales on performance day.
- Recruit at least 2 people to handle ticket sales (CNS officer can assist with this, if needed)
- Recruit at least 1 person to handle merchandise sales
- Contact CNS venue to determine number of ushers needed (2 per entrance; 1-2 ushers inside to assist with seating) Some ushers may be recruited by CNS singing members or come from HYC membership; recruit others as necessary
- Email all ushers to confirm arrival time (at least 60 minutes prior to performance time) and dress code (shirt and slacks, tie for men, no jeans, no sneakers)
- Recruit crew for riser transport, set up, and take down
- Coordinate transport of CNS risers to venue; arrange for arrival and crew set-up (and take down, if necessary) at dress rehearsal
- Arrive at performance venue at least 90 minutes prior to concert time
- Collect cash box from CNS Treasurer
- Contains a “bank” for furnishing change during cash transactions
- Contains “Will Call” list
- Contains ticket tallying form
- Set up ticket tables, chairs, and signs (Ticket Prices, Will Call, Merchandise Sales)
- Train ushers when all have arrived
- Admit audience members no more than 30 minutes prior to performance time (attendees requiring additional assistance [e.g., those in a wheelchair] may be admitted earlier at the CHM’s discretion)
- Oversee all ticket and merchandise transactions
- Direct ushers to check seating area for programs—programs in good condition can be reused for multiple-performance programs; all others should be recycled
- Break down and put away in storage ticket tables, chairs, and signs
- Tally tickets taken/sold and cash/checks collected
- Done at the end of every performance
- Everything put into cash box; CHM delivers cash box to Treasurer immediately following the last performance of the program