Hi – everyone-
We are off to a great start.  Challenge accepted!
A few updates about
the music….
Abby’s Preferred recordings: Bernstein Preferred Recordings  (google doc of info below)


Chichester Psalms   Choir Midi Learning Files – Bernstein Chichester Psalms (cyberbass.org)

Mvmt 1  Pronunciation  (youtube)  Cyberbass (tracks)

Mvmt 2  Pronunciation  (youtube)  Cyberbass (tracks)

Mvmt 3  Pronunciation  (and tracks)Soprano Alto Tenor Bass  (youtube)

Helpful text handout


West Side Story (youtube)

Mvmt 1

Mvmt 2

Mvmt 3

Mvmt 4

Candide (youtube)

Best of all possible worlds

Pros Choir

Sop Alto 1

Make our Garden Grow (youtube)

Theater Choir with Bernstein

Sop 1 Sop 2 Alto 1 Alto 2 Tenor 1 Tenor 2 Bass 1 Bass 2

the work…….
Chorus North Shore not only needs your voice but your hands and hearts as well.
Join the many CNS singers, family and friends who volunteer their time to support the Chorus!
We know that there is great depth and breadth of skills and information in our membership so we look to our CNS family
for support in making the Chorus run smoothly.
  • Our Webmaster will be retiring in June so we are currently looking for recommendations for
    someone with experience (does not have to be a choir member) who could maintain our website.
    This is not a heavy lift, about 3-4 hours /month and the chorus has set aside monies to fund this work.
    Please let me know if you have any recommendations.
  • The CNS Nominating Committee is also beginning the annual process of preparing the slate of the
    CNS Board of Trustees for election at our May Annual Meeting.  If you would like to recommend someone
    or are interested yourself in serving on the Board, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee:
     Suzanne Munroe (asuzmunroe@gmail.com);  Joanne Giallombardo (joannegiallombardo@gmail.com);
          Stephen Moore(stemoo@comcast.net)
the fun…..

Save the date… 

CNS will be hosting a social get together & fundraiser the evening of April 27.  More info to follow.

See you Monday,
